Mac Emulator Online

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sdltrs is a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4Pemulator for Macintosh OSX, Windows, and Linux. It has been ported fromTim Mann's excellent X-Windows UNIX emulator xtrs. Instead of using theX-Window system for graphics, it uses the portable SDL library.
Model 2 Emulator Roms
Why did I write another emulator? Several reasons.First, and foremost,there was no TRS-80 emulator available for Mac OS X. Since I am theauthorof Atari800MacX, which is based on libSDL, it made it easy for me tomakea TRS80 xtrs port based on SDL, so it would run on Windows and Linux aswell as Mac OS X.Second, sdltrs provides a text menu based GUI, which is more userfriendly interface than the interfacextrs provides. Finally, sdltrs provides some other enhancementsto xtrs, such as the ability to copy and paste from the host to/fromthe emulator, the ability to save and load the emulator state, diskindicator LED's, fullscreen display, and onthe Mac, to emulate an Epson printer as well.
Sega Model 2 Emulator
Model 2 Emulator 1.1
Update: My apologies to all of the people who contributedto Tim Mann's xtrs (upon which this emulator is based), and who's contributionswere indavertantly left out of the credits. That has been remedied in the onlinemanual for credits, and the downloadable packages will be updated at the next releaseto remedy them as well.