KENPAVE is a software applies to calculate stresses, strains and deformations in flexible and rigid pavements.
- Kenpave Software Free And Reliable Kenpave Software Torrent Protocol WillIt functions w. Kenpave Software Download For Mac. By gioletlalin1989 Follow Public.
- (2009), Luo and Prozzi (2007), Mac. To typical flexible pavement structures resulting from the new generation of wide-base and dual tires by using the KENPAVE computer software analysis program.
- Sep 03, 2020 KENPAVE is a free-to-use suite that includes KENLAYER and KENSLAB. This app can be used to replace the four DOS programs of LAYERINP, KENLAYER, SLABSINP, and KENSLABS. When this software is used by students in a computer laboratory, each student must have his/her own disk in Drive A, so the data path should be changed to A:.
- Download Lockpave and Permpave Software here. Lockpave was developed to assist professionals in the structural design of concrete segmental paving. The software incorporates design procedures, methodology and material specifications for permeable concrete segmental pavements.
News Backcalculation Tools v1.0 webinar and Q&A have been released. Version 1.0 of the AASHTOWare Backcalculation Tools has been released. Version 2.3 of ME Design has been released. It includes the new SJPCP/AC analysis module as well as an updated climatic data set. Available through the Downloads page. Version 2.2 of ME Design has been released.

It includes feature enhancements to reflection cracking. Available through the Downloads page. Version 2.1 of ME Design has been released.
It includes feature enhancements to backcalculation and a new automatic update feature. Available through the Downloads page. Version 2. Blast Design software, free download. 0 of ME Design has been released. It includes feature enhancements as well as integrated model updates. Available through the Downloads page. The results from the ME Design Software Customer Survey conducted by AASHTO have been completed.
PAVEMENT DESIGN MANUAL SECTION 1 // Introduction to the. SECTION 3 // Pavement Design Input Values 6 TABLE 3.1 DESIGN TRAFFIC AND DESIGN. DARWin 3.1, developed.
The survey ran between July 16th to August 16th., The educational edition of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design has been released. Please visit the Software Downloads page to download the latest installer. The FHWA, in collaboration with the AASHTO Pavement ME Design Task Force, has developed a series of 10 webinars on the use of the new AASHTOWare® pavement computational software, Pavement ME Design (formerly DARWin-ME™). The webinars are directed toward the end user of the software. AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design 1.3 has been released please visit the Software Downloaded page to downloaded the latest installer. The FHWA, in collaboration with the AASHTO Pavement ME Design Task Force, has developed a series of 10 webinars on the use of the new AASHTOWare® pavement computational software, Pavement ME Design (formerly DARWin-ME™).
The webinars are directed toward the end user of the software. The ME Design climate HCD files have been updated for US Customary installs. Please go to the climate page and download the new HCD files and station.dat file to update your climate data The XML file formats for Traffic, Climate, and Backcalculation input data files that can be read by ME Design™ have been published and are available on the XML Validator tab. AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design ***AASHTOWare Pavement ME International Users Workshop will be held on January 6, 2018.*** Date/Time Saturday, Jan 06, 2018 (8:00am to 5:00pm) Room/Venue 204B / Walter E. Washington Convention Center Address 801 Mt Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC 20001 If you plan to attend the workshop, please complete and submit a form. AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is the next generation of AASHTOWare® pavement design software, which builds upon the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, and expands and improves the features in the accompanying prototype computational software.
ME Design supports AASHTO's Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Interim Edition: A Manual of Practice. ME Design is a production-ready software tool to support the day-to-day pavement design functions of public and private pavement engineers. The Pavement ME Deflection Data Analysis and Backcalculation Tools is a standalone software program that can be used to generate backcalculation inputs to the AASHTO Pavement ME Design software for rehabilitation design. The tool is capable of analyzing raw deflection data files obtained from Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing devices, backcalculating in-place elastic layer moduli for flexible and rigid pavements and generating inputs for performing rehabilitation design using Pavement ME.
It can also be used to perform loss of support analysis and load transfer efficiency (LTE) calculations.
Version 2.3 of ME Design has been released. It includes the new SJPCP/AC analysis module as well as an updated climatic data set.
Available through the Downloads page. Version 2.2 of ME Design has been released. It includes feature enhancements to reflection cracking. Available through the Downloads page. Version 2.1 of ME Design has been released.
It includes feature enhancements to backcalculation and a new automatic update feature. Available through the Downloads page. Version 2.0 of ME Design has been released. It includes feature enhancements as well as integrated model updates. Available through the Downloads page.
The results from the ME Design Software Customer Survey conducted by AASHTO have been completed. The survey ran between July 16th to August 16th., The educational edition of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design has been released. Please visit the Software Downloads page to download the latest installer. The FHWA, in collaboration with the AASHTO Pavement ME Design Task Force, has developed a series of 10 webinars on the use of the new AASHTOWare® pavement computational software, Pavement ME Design (formerly DARWin-ME™).
The webinars are directed toward the end user of the software. AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design 1.3 has been released please visit the Software Downloaded page to downloaded the latest installer. The FHWA, in collaboration with the AASHTO Pavement ME Design Task Force, has developed a series of 10 webinars on the use of the new AASHTOWare® pavement computational software, Pavement ME Design (formerly DARWin-ME™). The webinars are directed toward the end user of the software. The ME Design climate HCD files have been updated for US Customary installs. Please go to the climate page and download the new HCD files and station.dat file to update your climate data The XML file formats for Traffic, Climate, and Backcalculation input data files that can be read by ME Design™ have been published and are available on the XML Validator tab.
***Version 2.3 now available for download! Get the newest release notes *** AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is the next generation of AASHTOWare® pavement design software, which builds upon the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, and expands and improves the features in the accompanying prototype computational software.
ME Design supports AASHTO's Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Interim Edition: A Manual of Practice. ME Design is a production-ready software tool to support the day-to-day pavement design functions of public and private pavement engineers. The ME Design Support Team Phone 1-877-500-3496 Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm CST E-mail: Disclaimer DARwin is provided 'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the authors, the CIRAD or its departments be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. System requirements DARwin is compatible with all current Microsoft Windows operating systems DARwin is developed with Microsoft Windows Visual Basic Studio.Net targeted on Microsoft.Net Framework 4.0.
The use of DARwin under Windows emulators for MacOS or Linux has been reported by several users but we have not tested these compatibilities. DARwin has no internal limitations in data size other than RAM memory and hard disk space availability. Analyses of large datasets can be time consuming, depending on the frequency and the core number of the processor.
DARwin is not open source but it is provided free for use in research and education. The download package includes:• Software installation • User's manual (in PDF format) • Data examples (in 'Data' folder under the DARwin installation folder) If you have installed a previous version of DARwin, it is not necessary to uninstall it before installing the new version. If you are using a version 6 it will be overwritten. If you are using an older version (DARwin 3 to 5), this new version will be installed independently. (* = Required information) We ask you to register in order to maintain a list of DARwin users. This will enable us to assess the impact of this software and to defend renewed funding for new developments. In the same way, a list of applications using DARwin should be a convincing argument and we would appreciate that you send us references of articles, or student works using DARwin.
Your email address will not be used for any purpose other than DARwin information, you will be able to unregister at any time by mailing to DARwin team. Important Note: The following programs can be downloaded and be used by students in CE475 or CE575 for educational purposes only.: This suite includes KENLAYER and KENSLAB. It is provided on a CD with the textbook (2003 edition). Download Example on 5-layer analysis using Kenpave: Description of the problem, Input.dat files and (Note: file 1 for q=85 psi, and file 2 for q=120 psi) Output text files and (Kenpave output files) Analysis and Plots This is a demo version of the software, which is under development for the AASHTO 2002 design guide. The copy posted here is the one available on the NHI course 131064 CD (FHWA, April 2002). No support or manual is available. This is a PC version of the Fortran program of the Chevron Elastic Layer Analysis program.
Waterways Engineering Station Elastic Layer Analysis Pavement Suite. An Excel Tool developed by Dr. Bayomy for the AASHTO Equivalent Axle Load Factors for Flexible and Rigid pavements. An Excel Tool developed by the FHWA Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program to supplement the AASHTO pavement rigid design system. For help on the use of this Excel tool, you can download its text file. PCAPAV For damage analysis of PCC pavements based on the PCA design method.
This DOS-based program was released in 1990. Download File. You can obtain information on how to obtain your own copy from the American Concrete Pavement Association. Backcalculation Program (Texas Transportation DARWin 2.0 (Pavement Design, Analysis and Rehabilitation for Windows). This is a proprietary AASHTOWARE computer software product.
The UI have a license for this software. It is available at the Highway Design Lab (BEL 117).

Campus students are required to use it for their design activities. Video students are also encouraged to use it if they have an access to it, but not required. To obtain your copy, contact. WINFLEX 2000 A mechanistic-empirical overlay design system for flexible pavements. This software is developed by Dr. Fouad Bayomy under research contracts with Idaho transportation Department (ITD) at the UI Center for Transportation Infrastructure (CTI) of the National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT). To download the program, examples and user guide, The aim of this paper is to develop software for the flexible pavement design based on the AASHTO, Group Index, and CBR.
This software can be used to determine the thickness of each layer, design life evaluation, knowing the relative damage factor, finding the various design variables like calculating the structural number and equivalent single axle load etc and climatic effects. The results obtained from this software were analyzed and compared with the theoretical (manual) design and with the DARWin, a design software of AASHTO, and were found absolutely feasible and accurate. This flexible Pavement software can save the precious time and avoid the errors and difficulties occurring during the conventional methods of design.
Provided by: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering (IJMSE) Topic: Software Date Added: Nov 2012 Format: PDF WinPAS 12 is compatible with all versions of Windows, including Windows 7, and both architecture types (32/64-bit). WinPas 12, which is based on the commonly-used AASHTO 1993 pavement design guide, has been updated to make it compatible with current Windows-based operating systems, has a new GUI (or graphical user interface), and includes updated help screens which make the software easier to use than ever before. WinPas 12 is available as a free download and may be used without a license for up-to 30 days.
The complete install package and patches were updated on (2/27/14). Installation Instructions• Unzip the contents of the downloaded file (WinPAS • Run Setup. Free Software To Download Flv Videos there. exe • Follow the installation wizard instructions If you already have WinPAS 12 installed, you can download and run a cumulative patch update to get the latest changes to WinPAS 12. See patch change log for details. The Michigan Flexible Pavement Design System (MFPDS) is a Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT based program for integrated and comprehensive analysis and design of flexible pavements. It contains four integrated modules. Data files from one module can be imported into other modules to minimize data entry.
The four modules are: AASHTO Design Designs a pavement using the empirical AASHTO design procedure. While this module does not perform any mechanistic design, it may be of assistance to engineers who rely heavily on the AASHTO design procedure. This module contains functionality similar to that in the DARWIN and DNPS86 computer programs. Mechanistic Analysis Analyzes a pavement using the MichPave nonlinear finite element program or the Chevronx (enhanced Chevron) linear elastic layer analysis program. Both programs have been enhanced from previous versions.
MichPave has been enhanced to use a distant lateral boundary and many more finite elements than previous versions. As a result the computed responses are significantly more accurate than in previous versions. Chevronx has been enhanced to include gravity stresses in addition to stresses due to the applied wheel load. The numerical integration in Chevronx is more accurate than that in the original Chevron program. New performance models to predict rut depth and fatigue life have been implemented. Backcalculation Performs backcalcuation using the MichBack computer program.
MichBack uses a modified Newton method for the backcalculation of flexible and composite pavement layer moduli, and possibly the AC thickness or stiff layer depth, from measured surface deflections. The backcalculation procedure is an iterative one, requiring several forward calculations. MichBack has the capability of automatically processing falling weight deflectometer (FWD) measurement files created by the KUAB FWD device used by the Michigan Department of Transportation.
For other measuring devices, the data files should be translated into an ASCII file having a prescribed format or a special dynamic link library must be written to read the files. The advantage of using data files containing several sets of measurements is that MichBack allows you to visually inspect the measured data, and manipulate the data prior to backcalculation. MichBack also computes useful statistics of the backcalculated results. Alternatively, individual deflection basins may be analyzed by manually entering the measured deflections. The program has been enhanced from previous versions, primarily with respect to temperature correction of the AC modulus. Mechanistic Design Designs the thickness of the AC layer in a new pavement, or designs the overlay thickness for an existing pavement, to meet user-specified rut and fatigue limits.
Elastic layer analysis (Chevronx) is used to compute pavement responses. The performance models used to predict were developed using field data in Michigan. Except for some minor changes, most of the Fortran (back-end) code for MichPave and MichBack is the same as in previous versions. However, the user interface (front-end) has been totally redesigned using C++.
The C++ and Fortran programs are integrated into one comprehensive package to provide a user-friendly environment. Plotting is performed using the PLplot library package which is distributable under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License with some exceptions.
The Win32 driver for PLplot, originally written by Paul Casteels () and Carla Carmelo Rosa (), has been modified by Ren-Song Ko () to be integrated into MFPDS. For more information on PLplot see. MFPDS is shipped as a self-extracting Zip file named mfpds_zip.exe. To install the software perform the following three steps: • Select Run after clicking on the Windows Start button, and type drive path: mfpds_zip.exe, where drive path is the name of the drive and directory path containing the file mfpds_zip.exe.
Alternatively, you can display the mfpds_zip.exe file in the Windows Explorer and double click on the file name. • When prompted for the name of a folder into which the files are to be unzipped, enter the full path name of a temporary directory.
• Select Run after clicking on the Windows Start button, and type drive path: install.exe, where drive path is the name of the drive and directory path into which the files were unzipped. Alternatively, you can display the install.exe file in the Windows Explorer and double click on the file name. On-line help and context sensitive help for data-entry screens are available. However, the on-line help system requires Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later to be installed on the computer system. To download the latest version of Internet Explorer.

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Excel for Office 365 for Mac Excel 2019 for Mac Excel 2016 for Mac. The password is optional. If you do not supply a password, any user can unprotect the sheet and change what was protected. If you do enter a password, make sure that you choose a password that is easy to remember, or write it down and keep it in a safe place. How to Edit a Drop Down List in Excel on PC or Mac. This wikiHow teaches you how to edit an existing drop-down list in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Open the workbook that contains the drop-down list. Double-clicking the file on your.
I have no earthy idea why it took me so long to figure out how to delete the contents of a cell or range in Excel for Mac. Ever since I bought my MacBook Pro I’ve known the Delete key on a Mac isn’t really a Delete key.
I mean, since my background is with Windows, I have ingrained knowledge on how the Delete Key works on a computer. Ingrained, I tell you.
But all of that knowledge was shattered upon getting a Mac.
Where Is the Excel Delete Button on Mac
After some consternation, I learned where is the delete button on a Mac. To press the delete button on Mac computers you have to hold down the fn key and the Delete key at the same time when you want to delete something on a Mac. (Skip to video)
After a while, you get used to the idea that the Delete key on a Mac is really a backspace key and using fn+Delete gives you the real Delete key action. 🙂
Of course if you’re a long time Mac user you probably think I’m cuckoo. But hey, this is my blog, think what you like. I’m not the only one who’s decided to start using a Mac after a lifetime of Windows abuse use.
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Excel for Mac
Anyway, when using Excel on a Mac — I’ve got versions 2008 and 2011 — you run into a learning curve with all the unusual shortcut keys, function keys (1, 2), and menu and ribbon things that are different from the Windows version of Excel. So there’s a tendency to forget about how the Delete key works on a Mac.
I mean, this is Excel we’re talking about here. Hitting the Delete key is supposed to delete the contents of the active cell, for cryin’ out loud.
In Excel for Mac it does that, but the cursor also gets stuck inside the cell in edit mode. You have to hit the enter key to finish deleting the contents, but this act also moves the active cell to the next cell down.
And if you’ve selected a range and hit the Delete key, the active cell contents are deleted and the cursor is stuck inside the cell in edit mode. You have to hit the Enter key, which does nothing but take you to the next cell. The range contents are still there, with the exception of the active cell.
Not the kind of behavior that occurs in Excel for Windows.
How to Delete Cell and Range Contents in Excel for Mac
The trick is to remember that fn+Delete is really a keyboard shortcut to the Delete key on a Mac. Then the world rights itself and the planets align. Frustration abates. You’ve finally found the magic. Your mojo is back!
Watch this 54 second video to see what I’ve been babbling about for the past 454 words.
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In Microsoft Excel 2002 and in later versions of Excel, you can now use passwords to protect specific ranges in your worksheets. This is a change from earlier versions of Excel, in which one password applies to the entire worksheet, which might have several protected ranges. In addition, if you use Windows 2000, you can apply group-level passwords and user-level passwords to different ranges.
The features in Microsoft Excel that are related to hiding data and protecting worksheets and workbooks with passwords are not intended to be mechanisms for securing data or protecting confidential information in Excel. You can use these features to present information more clearly by hiding data or formulas that might confuse some users. These features also help prevent other users from making accidental changes to data.
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Excel does not encrypt data that is hidden or locked in a workbook. With enough time, users can obtain and modify all the data in a workbook, as long as they have access to it. To help prevent modification of data and to help protect confidential information, limit access to any Excel files that contain such information by storing them in locations available only to authorized users.
This article describes how to enable specific collaboration scenarios to function correctly in collaboration environments that do not include users who have malicious intent. You cannot enable strong encryption for a file by using password protection. To protect your document or file from a user who has malicious intent, you can restrict permission by using Information Rights Management (IRM).
More Information
How to apply different passwords
To apply different passwords to two ranges in a worksheet, follow these steps:
Start Excel, and then open a blank workbook.
On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Allow Users to Edit Ranges.
In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, click Allow Users to Edit Ranges in the Changes group on the Review tab.
In the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box, click New.
In the New Range dialog box, click the Collapse Dialog button. Select the range B2:B6, and then click the Collapse Dialog button again.
In the Range password box, type rangeone, click OK, then type it again in the Confirm Password dialog box, and then click OK.
Repeat steps 3 through 5, selecting the range D2:D6 and typing rangetwoas the password for that range.
In the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box, click Protect sheet. In the Password to unprotect sheet box, type ranger, and then click OK. When prompted, retype the password, and then click OK.
Select cell B3, and then start to type Dataone.
When you type D, the Unlock Range dialog box appears.
Type rangeone in the Enter the password to change this cell box, and then click OK.
You can now enter data in cell B3 and in any other cell in the range B2:B6, but you cannot enter data in any of the cells D2:D6 without first providing the correct password for that range.
The range that you protect with a password does not have to be made of adjacent cells. If you want the ranges B2:B6 and D2:D6 to share a password, you can select B2:B6 as described in step 4 earlier in this article, type a comma in the New Range dialog box, and then select the range D2:D6 before you assign the password.
When you apply different passwords to separate ranges in this way, a range that has been unlocked remains unlocked until the workbook is closed. When you unlock another range, you do not relock the first range. Likewise, when you save a workbook, you do not relock a range.
You can use existing range names to identify cells that are to be protected with passwords, but if you do, Excel converts any relative references in the existing name definitions to absolute references. Because this may not give you the results you intended, it is better to use the Collapse Dialog button to select the cells, as described earlier in this article.
How to apply group-level passwords and user-level passwords

If you use Windows 2000 (but not other versions of Windows), you can assign different permissions to various individual users or groups of users. When you do this, permitted users can edit the protected ranges without needing to type passwords, and other users can still edit the ranges as long as they can supply the correct password.
To apply group-level protection to a worksheet, follow these steps:
Start Excel, and then open a blank worksheet.
On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Allow Users to Edit Ranges.
If you are running Excel 2007, click Allow Users to Edit Ranges in the Changes group on the Review menu.
In the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box, click New.
In the New Range dialog box, click Collapse Dialog, select the range B2:B6, and then click Collapse Dialog again.
In the Range password box, type rangeone, and then click OK twice. When prompted, retype the password.
Repeat steps 3 through 5, selecting the range D2:D6 and typing rangetwo as the password for that range.
In the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box, click Permissions, and then click Add in the Permissions for Range2 dialog box.
In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, type Everyone, and then click OK.
Click OK in the Permissions for Range2 dialog box.
In theAllow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box, click Protect sheet, type ranger in the Password to unprotect sheet box, and then click OK twice. When prompted, retype the password.
Select cell B3, and then start to type Dataone. A password is still required. Click Cancel in the Unlock Range dialog box.
Select cell D3, and then type Datatwo.
No password is required.
You must use Windows 2000 in order to assign permissions to groups or individuals as described earlier in this article, but after you have done so, those permissions are recognized when the worksheets are edited on computers that use Microsoft Windows NT. Windows NT does not enable you to assign or modify the permissions.
If you apply group permissions or user permissions, and then open the workbook in Excel 2002 on a Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition-based computer or Microsoft Windows 98-based computer, the group permissions or user permissions are ignored, but different passwords for different ranges are recognized.
How to change passwords
To change the password for a range, follow these steps:
Start Excel, and then open the workbook.
On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Unprotect Sheet. Multiscape for mac download.
In Excel 2007, click Unprotect Sheet in the Changes group on the Review tab.
If prompted type the worksheet password, and then click OK.
On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Allow Users to Edit Ranges.
In Excel 2007, click Allow Users to Edit Ranges in the Changes group on the Review tab.
Click a range in the list, and then click Modify.
Click Password.
Type the new password in the New password box, and then retype the new password in the Confirm new password box.
Click OK, and then click OK.
To change the password for another range, repeat steps 3 through 6. Otherwise, click Protect Sheet.
Type the worksheet password in the Password to unprotect sheet box.
Click OK, retype the worksheet password to confirm it, and then click OK.
Note these aspects of applying passwords and group-level permissions to specific ranges:
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Excel 2003 runs only on Microsoft Windows XP and on Microsoft Windows 2000.
When a workbook with protected ranges is opened in Excel 2002 on a Windows XP-based computer, on a Windows 2000-based computer, or on a Microsoft Windows NT-based computer, the worksheet range and group protection are the same as they are in Excel 2003.
When a workbook with protected ranges is opened in Excel 2002 on a Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition-based computer or on a Microsoft Windows 98-based computer, ranges with user-level and group-level permissions require the range password.
More information
For more information about the Microsoft Office features that help enable collaboration, see Description of Office features that are intended to enable collaboration and that are not intended to increase security.