Persian Keyboard For Mac

Are you facing a problem with typing in the Farsi Language? Do you want to learn to type in Farsi online? Or, Are you in search of the best Farsi Typing Tutor and not able to find the best tool? Then Yes, you are on the right website from where you can learn to type Farsi quickly. Follow below and type practice with Farsi Keyboard to become a Farsi typing master in no time.

Farsi Keyboard is no. 1 web-based editor to write in Farsi characters. This Farsi Typing Test Keyboard is also known as فارسی صفحه کلید in the Farsi Language. With this Keyboard, you can practice Farsi lessons online for beginners. Farsi Keyboard Online is the best and most comfortable virtual Keyboard to type in Farsi alphabets, letters, and words. This online keyboard app is also useful for users who speak Farsi across the world. Write Farsi at a faster pace with this virtual Keyboard. Also, practice typing with our online typing keyboard games for free.

Persian Keyboard For Mac

Use Farsi Typing Keyboard for Farsi typing practice online, and you don't have to install anything. Your physical keyboard will type Farsi on this page. To type capital letters, hold [Shift] on your physical keyboard and, the letters will become the upper case. When you're done, you can or copy-paste. To double-click the [Select All] button to highlight all text, then press [Ctrl]+[c] to double and [Ctrl]+[v] to paste on your physical keyboard.

Download Persian Keyboard For Mac

Persian Keyboard 2020 – Farsi Keyboard Typing App for Mac – Follow the same steps now to get your favorite Persian Keyboard 2020 – Farsi Keyboard Typing App app to your MacBook. The Bluestacks software is available for the Mac platform as well. Follow the installation guide link and get it for iOS. The persian keyboard is very simple to use and does not require any installation. It is a portable application that can be used to write Farsi texts for free. The software can also makes easily searchs on Google, Youtube and facebook. An ideal application for users who have not a physical keyboard with arabic-farsi keys. Download Farsi Keyboard app for Android. Persian(Iran-Afghanistan-Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)EmojiفارسیپشتوPashto. Top comment 'I really love it.Nice easy to use.I might still pick up a separate dedicated keyboard for my computer, but this keyboard is definitely a game changer for someone with multiple devices or if you wanted to lend it out to a visiting friend.The keyboard can be synced with 3 different MAC/Apple devices and allow you to change which device your using on the fly by using a button.

If you want to type in Persian text to supplement your work on this website, you will need to set up your computer for multiple languages.

Persian Keyboard Download

Go to System Preferences, then to International. Then go to Input Menu tab. From there, select the “Persian” checkbox, and “Allow a different input source for each document” then “Show input menu in menu bar.” Then, you will be able to select English or Persian to type in and switch back and forth easily.

Persian Keyboard Cover Macbook

On Windows XP:
Choose Control Panel and then Regional and Languages Options. Click on the Languages tab. Check Install files for Persian. Click Apply, and the files will install. In the Input Language menu choose Persian. In the Keyboard layout menu choose the keyboard you want to use (note: there are Persian keyboards available, or also, stickers that can be placed over an English language keyboard to make it Persian from commercial providers). Click on the Language Bar button. If the Language Bar button is grayed out, click on Key Settings. Check Show language bar on desktop. Click OK and Apply whenever you are prompted, and restart the computer.


Here is a sample keyboard for typing in Persian:

Then, you will be able to select English or Persian to type in and switch back and forth easily.

Persian Keyboard For Pc

We also recommend that you use a basic text editor, such as the default programs that come with your operating system (TextEdit, WordPad, Notepad, etc.), not Microsoft Word, for writing and reading Persian on your personal computer. While Microsoft Word works well in Persian with PC systems, it does not transfer nor work on a MAC platform, meaning that documents that you create on a PC in Word are not easily portable to other systems. For most situations, use the Times New Roman font. While the Tahoma font will also display the characters, it is not optimal for capturing the exact details and script-like flow of Persian text. If you are able to manually choose character encoding, either in e-mail or in your word processing programs UNICODE – 8 or UTF-8 is the best choice for Persian. The free, online Google Docs service appears to support and share Persian and other right-to-left languages relatively well, but can be slow for actual document creation. It might be best to create documents in a text file and then upload them for editing, formatting, and sharing. You need to establish a personal account with Google to use it – use it at your own risk.